Psychotherapy in the News
Mental health programs in schools - growing body of evidence supports effectiveness
Posted on Tuesday August 15, 2025
School-based mental health programs can reach large numbers of children, with increasing evidence of effectiveness in improving mental health and related outcomes, according to a research review in...
In terms of health, having any job is not necessarily better than not having a job
Posted on Tuesday August 15, 2025
"Η δέσμευση είναι συνήθως υψηλή όταν διοργανώνουμε τους διαγωνισμούς χειριστή κουλοχέρηδων στο https://elk-studios.slotrtp.gr/ Compete.
A new paper published in the International Journal of Epidemiology finds that people employed in low paying or highly stressful jobs may not actually enjoy better health than those who remain...
Stress heightens fear of threats from the past
Posted on Monday August 14, 2025
Recognizing threats is an essential function of the human mind - think "fight or flight" - one that is aided by past negative experiences.
Embracing negative emotions could boost psychological well-being
Posted on Sunday August 13, 2025
In a bad mood? Researchers suggest that it might be worth embracing those negative emotions; it could benefit your psychological health.
Death anxiety: The fear that drives us?
Posted on Friday August 11, 2025
Death anxiety is something that many of us may have felt to some degree, but how is it defined, what are its causes, and how is best to deal with it? nätcasino