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American Board of Professional Counselors Application
To become a Board Certified Professional Counselor, you must reach 100 points based on education, experience, knowledge, skill, and training.
Points are awarded for the highest degree only. Applicants must have a minimum of a master’s degree. Degrees must be in a psychotherapy-related field from a regionally-accredited institution. You may be asked to provide supporting documentation.
Applicants must have a minimum of 3 years professional experience.
Documentation may be required at a later date to support point consideration.
Published Books: 25 points per book Enter number of published books you have authored, co-authored, or edited.
Published Professional Articles: 15 points per article Enter number of published professional articles you have authored or co-authored.
Papers on Relationships: 10 points per paper Enter number of papers on relationships you have presented at a professional meeting.
Professional License and Certification: 25 points each Enter number of professional licenses, board certifications, Diplomate, and Fellow status designations you have received.
Awards and Honors: 20 points each Enter number of significant awards or honors that you received.
Counseling Achievement: 1 point each Enter number of cases in the past 3 years that you have personally counseled and achieved a favorable outcome.
Please provide details of the session or a copy of conference materials.
Training: 1 point each Enter the number of Continuing Education (CE) credits and Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits earned within the last two years.
Other Points
Include other information about relevant activities. ABPC will factor that information in when evaluating the application for Board Certified Professional Counselor status. Briefly describe the activities and specify how many points you feel should be awarded based on this information.
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